Enable Ultimate Performance Mode On Windows 10

Hello, dear Tech Free followers. In this topic, we showed how to enable Windows Ultimate Performance mode.

Microsoft introduced a new power plan with Windows 10 Version 1803 “Ultimate Performance power mode“, which is designed for Workstations to optimize the performance of the operating system and get the highest performance in Windows 10. According to Microsoft, Windows Ultimate Performance mode is designed for heavy-duty machines that can not afford to cut down on performance during the processing of extensive workloads.

What is Windows 10 Ultimate Performance mode?

This feature is designed for advanced users for whom “High Performance” isn’t enough as suggests in the name. It speeds things up by “eliminating micro-latencies” that come with “fine-grained power management techniques” instead of thinking about power, the workstation will be focusing more on performance.

How to Enable Ultimate Performance mode on Windows 10

Unfortunately, this feature isn’t allowed on battery-powered systems, and the company has locked this feature to Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. For home users, This Feature is hidden so you can’t select it from Power Options. You can force the Ultimate Performance mode using Command Prompt tweak.

Important: To use this power management scheme your Windows 10 version must be 1803 and above. To find out your windows version, enter the winver command in the start menu, press Enter, and read the information in the dialog box.

  • First click on the start menu search.
  • Type PowerShell, select the topmost result, and Run as administrator.
  • Type the following command to enable windows ultimate Performance mode in the control panel and press Enter:
powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

Now Press Windows + R, type Powercfg.cpl click ok to open Power Options. Here under Hardware and Sound and selecting Ultimate Performance. Also, you will be able to customize the Ultimate Performance policy every time you want.

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